Portfolio Details


My Portfolio Overview

Some information on my Projects

  • I have a wide and diverse range of interests and abilities, I'm a very inquisitive person so I'm always investigating new technologies and ideas. I watch a lot of tutorials online and adapt what I learn there to projects I can undertake myself.

  • The first collection of 10'000 1:1 Profile Pic NFTs - HapticHippies (HaHI) was created out of interest mostly to see if I could accomplish it in a reasonable timeframe, it took about 1 week with a lot of back and forth and trial by error.

  • The NFT Minter dApp for the GrouchyGorillas (GG) 10'000 1:1 Profile Pic NFT Collection website was my 2nd NFT project and this was completed much quicker, about 2 days in total, I learned a lot from the missteps I made with the HapticHippies NFT Collection.

  • This portfolio website, and both of the eCommerce shop websites were created with the help and guidance of a tutorial online and the website I made for the real person, justink.co.za has unfortunately gone out of business since and I do not have any media available for it.